
You must take the on line Error Test (called ERRTST) again this semester. Again, as for last semester, the first try is free and may or may not be counted towards your mark as you wish. Starting now, you may take the test at any time before the deadline Friday April 6.


As an alternative to doing the errtst again, you may instead go through a series of exercises and answer some questions about error analysis. We anticipate this will take you somewhat longer than getting a good mark on errtst, and will therefore mark the assignment more leniently than the usual U of T standard. You will be the first students to do this assignment, and will therefore serve as "beta testers."

You may see what is involved at:

If you wish to do this assignment instead of errtst, contact the author, David Harrison first. He may be reached at:

McLennan Labs, Room MP121C (North wing, first floor, South-East corner near the pay phones;  416 978 2977