Your First PHY110_138Y Lab 2006 - 2007

1) Use STORM to find your lab section and group.

Your login is your NINE-DIGIT student number and your password is your official case sensitive last name, as known to ROSI.

Do not share your student number with anyone. STORM will become available during the first week of October.

2) The lab schedule can be accessed here.


3) Prepare for Experiments 1 and 2.


 Experiment 1 -- Acceleration will be performed during Sessions 1 and 2 in October.
 Experiment 2 -- Oscillation will be performed during Sessions 3 and 4 in November.

Do the Error Analysis Assignment in preparation for the lab sessions and the Errtst.


4) A list of all the lab demonstrators can be accessed here.
This will be finalized in October.


5) Find the location of your group.

Groups ending with A to E or P to T will be located in MP126.
Groups ending with F to K or U to Z will be located in MP125.