PHY 406 - Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques

Module 8 - Signal Processing - Digital Filters

In this module we will actually make a digital filter based on the ideas presented in the lectures


Read the lecture notes


You will need the signal generator and the oscilloscope.

You will also need the program kaiser.exe which you will find in the e:\sources\filter directory. It takes three arguments - the series length, the parameter beta and the cut-off frequency. It produces the series for the low-pass filter. You should have a look at the source code kaiser.c to see how it does this.

You will also need some advanced VIs from the library - such as the FFT and convolution routine - you should be able to find these for yourselves.

Generate a Series

Make a Filter


This section is for the intelligent/bored or otherwise fascinated. There are no marks for this section - only the satisfaction of solving a problem or two.
