Pages Changed in the Past 7 Days

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The index for this list is updated every night.
  1. PHY308S 408S - Time Series Analysis Wed 9 Feb 105
    convolution: 10
  2. PHY308S 408S - Time Series Analysis Wed 9 Feb 105
    convolution: 10
  3. PHY308S 408S - Time Series Analysis Tue 3 Jan 106
    convolution: 8
  4. PHY 406 - Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques Sun 23 Nov 97
    convolution: 2
  5. Time Series Tue 30 Mar 99
    convolution: 1
  6. PHY 406 - Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques Sun 9 Nov 97
    convolution: 1

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Tips: You can use "and" (default) and "or" with search terms.
Write umlauts like Ä as Ae, ...

- "cat and mouse" - or simply "cat mouse"
- "(cat or mouse) and not dog" *
- "cat or mouse"
   *) "not" operates only within the set of files containing
      at least one of "cat", "mouse" or "dog".

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This searchable archive was implemented with the ICE search engine (boolean patch pj9711)