Pages Changed in the Past 7 Days

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The index for this list is updated every night.
  1. LinearFit Plot Options Fri 11 Feb 100
    plot: 43
  2. LinearFit Plot Options Sun 19 Mar 100
    plot: 21
  3. Least Squares Fitting Thu 29 Jul 104
    plot: 12
  4. Chaos Sat 14 Apr 107
    plot: 8
  5. Visualisation Wed 16 Dec 98
    plot: 8
  6. Chaos Sat 5 Dec 98
    plot: 8
  7. Visualisation Thu 10 Dec 98
    plot: 8
  8. charting/README.txt Mon 14 May 107
    plot: 7
  9. LinearFit Basic Usage Wed 8 Mar 100
    plot: 6
  10. ECE150S Fitting Data Tue 27 Feb 101
    plot: 5
  11. Physics and Flash Fri 18 Nov 105
    plot: 4
  12. FITTING DATA Mon 23 Sep 102
    plot: 4
  13. Fit Values and Parameter Errors Fri 11 Feb 100
    plot: 3
  14. Lecture 6 - PHY357 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics Wed 27 Jan 99
    plot: 3
  15. Schematic Drawings of the CDF Detector Wed 27 Jan 99
    plot: 3
  16. PHY357S Lecture 2 Wed 27 Jan 99
    plot: 3
  17. Schematic Drawings of the CDF Detector Wed 27 Jan 99
    plot: 3
  18. PHY357S Lecture 2 Wed 27 Jan 99
    plot: 3
  19. Spectra Expt Wed 16 Apr 103
    plot: 3
  20. test/fileplot.html Wed 5 Sep 107
    plot: 3
  21. UseSignificantFigures Option Wed 8 Dec 99
    plot: 2
  22. Nuclear and Particle Physics Problem Set 3 Wed 27 Jan 99
    plot: 2
  23. Entropy Tue 17 Sep 102
    plot: 2
  24. PHY138 Mechanics Class 7 Wed 6 Oct 104
    plot: 2
  25. PHY138 Mechanics Class 10 Wed 18 Oct 106
    plot: 2
  26. UPSCALE Usage 1999-2000 Mon 24 Apr 100
    plot: 2
  27. UPSCALE Usage 1999-2000 Fri 4 May 101
    plot: 2
  28. About LinearFit Fri 28 Jan 100
    plot: 1
  29. Linear Fit Help Fri 28 Jan 100
    plot: 1
  30. Linear Fit Doing the Fit Wed 8 Mar 100
    plot: 1
  31. ErrorAnalysis/Accuracy.html Tue 12 May 109
    plot: 1
  32. General Relativity Sat 18 Aug 107
    plot: 1
  33. Plots of Anscombe s Data Thu 29 Jul 104
    plot: 1
  34. More on Superluminal Speeds Sun 1 May 105
    plot: 1
  35. Chapter 11 amp 12 Wed 26 Aug 98
    plot: 1
  36. Poetry/CHAPTER7-8.html Wed 26 Aug 98
    plot: 1
  37. Standing Waves Expt Fri 9 May 103
    plot: 1
  38. Torsion Pendulum Expt Thu 7 Aug 103
    plot: 1
  39. Relativity Notes Wed 8 Jul 109
    plot: 1
  40. Basal Metabolism Mon 6 Oct 103
    plot: 1
  41. PHY138 - Mechanics - Class 4 Mon 25 Sep 106
    plot: 1
  42. PHY 406 - Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques Sun 9 Nov 97
    plot: 1
  43. Untitled Thu 6 Feb 97
    plot: 1
  44. temp/aa_temp.txt Mon 3 Nov 103
    plot: 1
  45. PHY255 - finals - 1995 96 Thu 28 Jan 99
    plot: 1
  46. PHY255 - finals - 1995 96 Fri 31 Jul 98
    plot: 1
  47. PHY255 - finals - 1995 96 Fri 25 Jun 99
    plot: 1
  48. GEIGER-MULLER TUBE Tue 10 Aug 99
    plot: 1
  49. resources/testBook.txt Mon 14 May 107
    plot: 1
  50. resources/testBook.txt Mon 14 May 107
    plot: 1

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